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Cécile Corbel fan page

Chansons > Lovers' Farewell

Album : Songbook vol.2 (piste 2)
Durée : 4:02


Musique : Cécile Corbel / Paroles : Jimmie O'Neill


Though I cry as you walk away
The hurt is like an old friend who
Is around and never fades away
We share it out me and you

I'll be away from you
But I'll call you on the Wind
When I'm with you
Everything is real
Since you gave me your love

I sail away
China seas and Australia
My love is real
Just an ocean away
You sail away
Hudson Bay and Ontario
Our love is real
Just a message away

Oh my love it's time to say goodbye
It's time to leave yes I have to
But I'll hear your music in the sky
And I'll keep the night for you

I'll be away from you
But I'll call you from the moon
You're with me now and you'll always be
The other part of me

I sail away
China seas and Australia
My love is real
Just an ocean away
You sail away
Hudson Bay and Ontario
Our love is real
Just a message away

I sail away
China seas and Australia
My love is real
Just an ocean away
You sail away
Hudson Bay and Ontario
Our love is real
Just a message away

  • Sur cette chanson, Cécile est accompagnée au chant par Jimmie O'Neill.

"Une chanson sur le thème des amants séparés... intemporel... de Tristan et Yseut à aujourd'hui.C'est Jimmie O'Neill des Silencers qui prête sa voix et a aussi écrit les paroles de cette chanson qui est ma préférée de l'album. C'était au départ un morceau instrumental à la harpe; nous avons eu l'idée d'en faire une chanson." (livret de l'album)

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