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Cécile Corbel fan page

Chansons > Maypole

Album : Enfant du Vent (piste 12)
Durée : 2:37


Auteur / Compositeur : Paul Giovanni

In the woods there grew a tree
And a fine, fine tree was he
On that tree there was a limb
On that limb there was a branch
On that branch there was a nest
In that nest there was an egg
In that egg there was a bird
From that bird a feather came
Of that feather was a bed
On that bed there was a girl
On that girl there was a man
From that man there was a seed
From that seed there was a boy
From that boy there was a man
For that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew a tree
In Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle
On that tree there was a limb
On that limb there was a branch
On that branch there was a nest
In that nest there was an egg
In that egg there was a bird
From that bird a feather came
Of that feather was a bed
In Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle
On that bed there was a girl
On that girl there was a man
From that man there was a seed
From that seed there was a boy
From that boy there was a man
For that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew a tree
On that tree there was a limb
On that limb there was a branch
On that branch there was a nest
In that nest there was an egg
In that egg there was a bird
From that bird a feather came
Of that feather was a bed
In Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle, Sumerisle
On that bed there was a girl
On that girl there was a man
From that man there was a seed
From that seed there was a boy
From that boy there was a man
For that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew a tree
  • 7ème extrait de l'album.
  • Il existe une vidéo pour cette chanson.


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